You can help support this ministry…

The financial needs of Camp Trinity are endless. The mission is a necessary one – to spread God’s Word through nature. Most importantly please keep Camp Trinity in your prayers and then help out where you can whether its financially or through service. See our events page for various serving opportunities or plan your own service project during your retreat.


Mail-in Donations

Camp Trinity
439 Camp Trinity Drive
New Haven, MO 63068

Online Giving

  • New or gently used assorted pots and pans for St. Matthew Family Cabin – RECEIVED – THANKS!!
  • New or gently used small appliances – RECEIVED – THANKS!!
  • New white sheet sets – Extra Long – twin, queen and king – RECEIVED – THANKS!!
  • New White bath towels and washcloths – RECEIVED – THANKS!!
  • All Terrain Utility vehicle
  • Aluminum seating for Chapel – RECEIVED – THANKS!!
  • Picnic tables
  • Iron Fire Rings for RV Lot and Tenting Area – RECEIVED – THANKS!!
  • Flashlights
  • Board Games
  • Sports Equipment (Tennis Balls, Tennis Rackets, Basketballs, Volleyballs, Playground Balls)
  • New 8 foot Tables and Chairs for Lodge
  • 2 – Canoes
  • Canoe Paddles
  • Life Jackets
  • Paddle Boats
  • Good Used or new 15 passenger van – RECEIVED – THANKS!!
  • Good Used or new pick up truck
  • New Compact Multi/ Media Projector – RECEIVED – THANKS!!
  • Aluminum cans for recycle – proceeds go to road improvements
  • Hand Trowels
  • Paint Brushes and Rollers
  • New Leaf and Yard Rakes
  • Hedge trimmers
  • Loppers (all sizes)

On Its Way to Camp Trinity

All building additions to Camp Trinity will greatly improve its ministry and outreach in this world, with so many non-Christian distractions.  The Board of Directors doesn’t want to go into a huge debt or greatly increase its usage fees.  Currently our fees do not cover the expenses generated by the users.  Thankfully God has opened the hearts of many to donate so that Camp Trinity has been able to continue its ministry thus far.

Recently Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Hermann, Missouri was one of those hearts opened. They donated the funds for Camp Trinity to construct a brand-new bath house. It will be called The Shepherd’s Shower and will be added onto the Meeting Room, also know by some as the Rec Hall/Craft House or Chicken Shed.

The main object of the founders of Camp Trinity and the current board of directors was to use this facility to proclaim God’s saving grace.  These additions to the facility will help keep that ministry going, allowing young and old alike to enjoy what Camp Trinity has to offer.  As the world changes and grows, Camp Trinity needs to maintain, expand and improve to provide a quality facility.  Enabling it to continue proclaiming, right in the midst of God’s nature, that which never changes, His Word.

This new bath house will greatly improve Camp Trinity adding 7 new showers including one which is handicap accessible.  It will enlarge the Meeting Room while also providing restroom facilities and storage space for this second indoor meeting room.

Donations such as this are the only way Camp Trinity will be able to improve and even continue providing its ministry to people of all ages.

Two ways to make a bigger impact with your dollars!

1. Thrivent Choice (Thrivent members only)

This will just take a few minutes and it is free to you! Thank You!

Thrivent Choice lets you help choose where some of Thrivent Financial’s charitable outreach funds go by directing Choice Dollars.

Choose from Lutheran organizations nationwide (Camp Trinity). It’s easy!

Direct Choice Dollars online now at  after you sign in on right side of the page you will see Thrivent Choice and a red bottom (Direct Choice Dollars) or call 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) and state “Thrivent Choice.”

The money is going to be donated to some organization, so why not direct it to Camp Trinity.  Ever dollar counts at Camp Trinity! 

Simply Giving

Through Simply Giving, your donations are made through a pre-authorized withdrawal from your bank account. You determine the frequency of your automatic donation—weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly—the option is your. Your donation is deposited into the recipient’s bank account on the same day it is withdrawn from your account. This gives you a convenient way to make your donations. Because of your planned giving and ongoing stewardship, Camp Trinity benefits from steady, more predictable revenues throughout the year. This will help Camp Trinity better meet its financial goals and development objectives.


Also, please remember Camp Trinity in your will or as a life insurance beneficiary.

See to it that Camp Trinity can be here for future generations.

There are many ways to make donations to nonprofit/charitable organizations through your will, with different tax consequences depending on the method you choose. The easiest way is an outright bequest:

“I, (name), of (city, state, ZIP), give, devise and bequeath to Camp Trinity, New Haven, Missouri, (written amount or percentage of the estate of description of property) for its unrestricted use and purpose.”

Thank you very much! May our Savior bless your willingness to share.

Completion of the New Improved Sewer System

Thank You to All Our Donors of Funds and Service!!

A new sewer system was installed during 2010. It was funded by the donations of many totaling $65,000.  The new sewer system, a sand filter system, was ordered by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources after they deemed our current two cell lagoon not large enough to allow for any construction of additional buildings.  They also said it wasn’t big enough for what we were already using it for at this time.  They allowed Camp Trinity to continue using it until we had the funds to install a new one, since it wasn’t causing any environmental hazards.

The installation of this new sewer system has opened the door for more facility improvements at Camp Trinity.  It will make a more efficient and environmentally friendly system. The land and environment that God gave to this ministry is very valuable to the Camp and not to be overused or abused. The Board of Directors of Camp Trinity has the goal of only making a project which will be supported by its users. As of right now we have many groups that range between 40 and 90, some even reach around 105.  Our user’s needs are increasing, and our facility needs improving to meet those needs, in turn enabling God’s Word to reach more individuals through Camp Trinity’s outdoor ministry.

Without the help of many volunteers and the donations of many the sewer project would not have been possible. It is that help and the many donations that will help us reach our next goals. In the Spring of 2010 at the Camp Trinity Board of Directors meeting they voted to move forward with additional cabins.  Our current Bunkhouse consists of eight rooms filled with bunk beds and a full bath.  It has met the needs of many of our groups, but some would prefer more private family style living and more sleeping capacity.

The first step was made towards meeting that goal by the construction of the first of hopefully four family cabins.  The first one is called St. Matthew’s Family Cabin.  The other three will be Mark, Luke and John.  These cabins will allow the ministry of Camp Trinity to reach more people, by expanding our sleeping capacity along with providing housing which is more family friendly.  The dormitory style housing which the current Bunkhouse (Maier Hall) provides, serves the church and school groups great, but the family cabins will help us reach out to those who would like something a little more individualized. It will also allow for families to retreat and refresh during the off season at their leisure.

Some funds, labor and supplies have already been donated, totaling about $10,000 the remaining estimated costs are $75,000.  More donations of labor and funds are necessary for Camp Trinity to continue providing its facility to many churches, schools and individuals.

Facility Improvements and Additions

Thank You to All Our Donors of Funds and Service! Please Keep it Up!

Camp Trinity strives to be a place for youth and adults to nurture their faith in Jesus Christ along with reaching out to those who don’t know Him. Recent aditions to the facility: Maier Hall Renovations, Shepherd’s Shower House, St. Matthew’s Family Cabin, and the Wastewater Treatment are all instruments to being now used to help groups and families staying at Camp Trinity achieve that goal.

All building reconstruction and additions to Camp Trinity greatly improve its ministry and outreach in this world, with so many non-Christian distractions. In the past ten years we have been able to pay for the new Wastewater Treatment Facility in full by donations collected over several years from friends of Camp Trinity. The St. Matthew’s Cabin and Shepherd’s Shower House and Hall were paid for in part by donated labor, material and funds. The remaining $80,000 still needs to be raised. Pastors, church workers and families have been using the cabin and really enjoying a valuable faith strenghting, family bonding experience.

Our most recent project was the renovation of Maier Hall. This past February this major remodel was done by Laborers for Christ and area volunteers due to the monetary support of many Camp Trinity friends. The final detail for the project is all new mattresses (88) for $3,500. So far the entire project has cost about $45,000 to which $44,000 has already been raised by lots of Camp Trinity friends. Your continued support of this project is necessary.

Once Maier Hall is completely renovated, including the mattresses, our efforts and monetary support will be turned toward the Outdoor Chapel and Korff Lodge (dining facility). The Outdoor Chapel needs new seating, retaining walls, railing, new lectern and trenched electric from main lodge
All of these improvements to the facility will help keep this valuable Christian outdoor ministry going, allowing young and old alike to enjoy what Camp Trinity has to offer at a reasonable price. As the world changes and grows, Camp Trinity needs to maintain, expand and improve to provide a quality facility, enabling it to continue proclaiming, right in the midst of God’s nature, that which never changes, His Word.

Prayer, volunteers and donations are the only way Camp Trinity will be able to improve and even continue to provide its ministry to people of all ages. Thank you for your prayers and support!